The power of independent advice and thought

A growing business should pay close attention to the risks it faces

Some kinds of business risk can sneak up on you. Your business might be growing, expanding and successful, but along with growth comes added risk. The larger the company, the more disastrous a breakdown in risk management can be. For businesses over a certain size it’s important for financial risk management (and risk in general), to become an integral part of the way the business is run, not an afterthought.

Formalise the management of your business's key risks

Our Advisory Committee service helps your business manage the most common financial risks businesses face, that is, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk. It does this by formalising the process via a committee that sits under your board. This means financial risks are measured, monitored and reported on regularly by a dedicated group. It also helps to manage financial risk in a way that’s consistent with overall company objectives. 

Outside, independent advice is incredibly valuable

Our consultant is a master at advisory committee work and can assist you in the set-up, running, leading or simply being a member of a committee such as this. Including a member of the committee who is not deeply involved in the business allows for perspective and balance in decisions. Choosing someone with extensive knowledge of financial markets, treasury, risk and governance is also a prudent move. 

We can offer you the ideal advisory committee member on demand

Contact us on 0401 142 311 to discuss the possibilities.